I went with the native look for the Mahud. I think GW and the guys who made the LotR movies wimped out and made a "PC" bad guy out of them. But honestly, to me they look like brave, fierce warriors from a fantasy version of Africa. So that's how I painted them. The color scheme is a little blah. But for the most part all they're wearing is some sort of wicker armor and a robe. There's not much to fiddle with, though I'm sure more talented painters have figured out how to add pizzaz to these guys. Here are the pictures. Check out the King, as I thought he come out pretty nice.

Nice Job Jerry, those look great. And its about time you did a blog update, I was sick of looking at the shirt design!
Great job man, I like the African look on them...
LOL, Thanks Tim. I've got a few more to make. I took some Corsair pics too, and will post those soon.
They look properly exotic! Great job.
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