This is my latest project, Ogre Kingdoms. I've always loved the Ogre models, all of them. That's rare for me to say so about any army. (I guess I don't like Gnoblars, but they're not Ogres!) So it was a natural step to start collecting this army.
I've got all the models for the 2,000 point starting force built and primed. I'm working on one unit at a time, and am really taking it slowly. In fact, since an Ogre Kingdoms army is so small in size, I can really spend time working on the models. I spend hours layering skin tones up from a dark base on three Ogre models. It comes out to about the same time it would take to do a unit of 25 Orcs. So here are some representatives of my Ogre troops:

You'll notice that I left the Leadbelchers (the Ogres with the cannons for those who don't know) with very dark skin. This was intended to make them look like they are dirty from getting enveloped in clouds of black powder smoke. The rest of the Ogres will be really light skinned, to reflect their adaptation to life in the high mountains.
I really like the skin I've painted for these guys. The skin looks pretty smooth in person, while these photos make the transitions look pretty stark. Still, here are some details of the rear of an Ogre Bull unit and a profile of one. This is just to give a closer look at the skin.

Totally I've painted two units of Leadbelchers (shown above, two units of two each), and four units of three Ogre Bulls. I'm currently working on four Ironguts. But they got suspended as I moved over to work on my pirate crew. I'm really in no hurry to get these guys on the table. So I'm taking my time and doing these to my satisfaction. So far I'm really happy with the outcome. Let me know what you think!